Motorola 800 Mhz
Quantity: About 20
The radio room has Motorola 800MHz handheld radios of various models that will be replaced as the 800MHz system is upgraded. These radios are available to directly support DEM staff and operations. These radios cost about $4000 each and must be checked out before leaving the radio room. Sno911 Wireless staff (formerly SERS) have an additional cache of about 50 radios packaged with six radios and a charger per box.
Wouxun VHF/UHF
Quantity: About 20
There are two yellow Pelican cases with Wouxun KG-UV6X VHF/UHF ham/land mobile cache radios each. There is also a selection of about 20 headsets and 10 speaker mikes in addition to a 6 gang charger for the dual band radios in a black Pelican accessory case. A second 6 gang charger is located above station 3 in the radio room. These cases must be checked out when leaving the radio room. The radios must then be checked out individually with any accessories on the scene to ensure they all return. It is recommended that the radios are tuned to the correct channel and locked when checking out to the end user. Any issues should be noted so they can be addressed.
Motorola UHF
Quantity: About 15
There is also a beige Pelican case with Motorola HT1250 FM UHF radios. The radios are stored in separate slots from the batteries. Antennas and speaker mikes are laid on top of the radios in the case. The radios should be assembled and checked out as a unit with any accessories noted. Any issues should be noted so they can be addressed when the package returns.
Motorola DMR
Quantity: 10
There is also a cache of Motorola XPR6350 UHF DMR radios.
Anytone FM Analog/DMR
Quantity: 12
The Anytone AT-D878 radio is an analog dual band and digital DMR radio. These versatile radios can be set up for non ham use on commercial channels. Having the ham DMR capability significantly increases the number of place this radio can be used.