Code Plugs

We provide the following templates to simplify programming of your radio and provide standard nomenclature for operation around the region.  The standard nomenclature and channel location has been refined over the years as a universal tool for multiple agencies and emergency management share holders.  Many active repeaters, temporary repeaters, standard frequencies and simplex frequencies are included in these templates.  While not all radios will utilize all frequencies in a particular template, the programming software will generally provide filtering during the programming process.  

We encourage the use of these templates.  They are updated often due to the changes in resource availability,  repeater owner changes or  frequency coordination.

Anytone Specific

WA7DEM Anytone D578 Western Washington Code Plug Mode-0 Dual Band (Download)

WA7DEM Anytone D878 Western Washington Code Plug Mode-0 Dual Band (Download)

WA7DEM Anytone D578 Western Washington Code Plug Mode-14 Tri-Band (Download)

WA7DEM Anytone D878 Western Washington Code Plug Mode-14 Tri-Band (Download)

How to Write a code plug to your radio (Download)

How to add Analog Channel using Anytone CPS (Download)

How to add Digital Channel using Anytone CPS (Download)

How to update Digital Contact List for Anytone Radio (Download)

How to update the firmware in your Anytone radio (Download)

How to change the MODE of your Anytone radio (Download) 

More Information

If you are needing specific information about your radio, that information may be found HERE (Radio Manuals)