
Selected Topics from Previous Meetings

The Phonetic Alphabet

Why we use the ITU Phonetic Alphabet.

Protect Yourself from Malware and other Threats

This training was offered January 2020 to address common current threats and solutions.  Download the slides with notes.

Emergency Communications Net Control

The training at the 20 Jan 2011 ACS/ARES meeting with proper net operations and the responsibilities of the Net Control Station.  Download the PowerPoint presentation here.

Communication Van DEM10 Deployment

Here are the checklists we expect everyone to use when assigned "Van Duty". DEM10 Checklists contains all the information you need to participate.

Emergency Radio Communications

Here are three basic presentations on Emergency Radio Communications  (click to download).

Emergency Radio Communications 100

Emergency Radio Communications 101

Emergency Radio Communications 102


Here is the D-Star presentation given by Scott Honaker, N7SS on D-Star for Emergency Communications.

Basic Networking

Here is an introduction to some low level networking concepts and Networking Terms with more to come.


Here is the first of several presentations on messaging.  Download the presentation given at the meeting.

Download the presentation materials; exercise, and forms used at the meeting.

Radio Mobile

Radio Mobile is a great VHF/UHF propagation prediction tool used for determining available paths and repeater coverage.

Getting the most from your HT

A handheld radio is invaluable but has a number of limitations.  Find out how to mitigate the issues and improve your performance.

Portable Radio Operations

For functionality and performance beyond an HT, consider downloading building a portable system.

Radio Direction Finding

Radio direction finding (Fox Hunting) is a fun and practical activity.  Download all the information you need to participate.

J-Pole Antennas

J-pole antenna are simple and fun to build.  Download all the information you need to make, test, and use them.

AirMail (E-mail System)

All about Airmail and Winlink 2000. Download the PowerPoint presentation and see for the software download.

Winlink (RMS) Express (E-mail System)

All about Winlink Express. Winlink Express was previously named EMS Express and still is commonly referred to by that name. Download this Word Document and see for the software download.

All About Jump Kits

The training subject of the 21 Feb 2008 meeting was jump kits. Download the PowerPoint presentation and several photos of members jump kits.