Other Organizations

Emergency Communication Nets for Region 1

(including Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish ACS/ARES, and Whatcom Counties)

Snohomish County ACS

Net: Tuesdays, 20:00 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: Granite Falls Repeater, 146.92, - Offset, PL 123.0

Meetings: Third Thursday of each month at 19:00

Meeting Location:720 80th St SW, Everett, WA 98203 Contact Person: Scott Honaker, N7SS, Radio Officer

Web Site: http://www.wa7dem.info

ARES / RACES of King County

Net: Sundays, 20:00 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: Seatac Repeater Association, on 147.080+ (110.9)

Meetings: First Monday of each month at 1900 (except August and December)

Meeting Location: Seattle Red Cross HQ, 1900 25th Ave South, Seattle, WA 98114-4708

Contact Person: King Co. District EC/Regional RACES Coordinator: Kirk Bellar, N7UK

Web Site: http://www.aresofkingcounty.org

Edmonds-Woodway Radio Club

Net: Tuesdays, 19:00 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: South Whidbey Island Repeater, 147.22+ PL 127.3

Meetings: TBD

Web Site: https://edwaynet.com/

City Of Everett Office of Emergency Management (EOEM) ACS

Contact Person: Jim Ludden, K7KFB, Radio Officer and Volunteer Coordinator jfludden at Hotmail.com

Northshore Emergency Management Coalition RACES

Net: Sundays 19:00 Local Time.

Frequency: Mountlake Terrace Repeater (until further notice), 443.725, +Offset, PL 103.5.

Meetings: Seconds Wednesday of each month at 19:00 local time.

Meeting Location: Via Zoom until further notice.

Website: https://www.northshoreemc.com.

Shoreline ACS

Net: Mondays, 19:30 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: 442.825, + offset, PL 103.5

Meeting: Second Saturday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00.

Meeting Location: Shoreline Fire Department Headquarters Station 61, 17525 Aurora Ave North, Shoreline, WA (meetings are suspended during Covid) Please email for Zoom Meeting information. 

Contact Person: John Slomnicki, N7TPM

Email:       shorelineacs@gmail.com

Web Site: https://sites.google.com/a/w7aux.org/shoreline-acs/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/shorelineacs

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ShorelineACS

Operating frequencies:

442.825 + 103.5, primary Shoreline ACS repeater on CRISTA tower,

440.300 + 103.5. Secondary repeater 440.300, + offset, PL 103.5, at Station 61.

145.770 simplex, PL 103.5

145.050 simplex, No Tone, Winlink W7AUX-10

Sky Valley Amateur Radio Club

Net: Tuesdays, 19:30 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: W7SKY UHF Repeater, 444.125+, PL 103.5

Meetings: Third Saturday of each month at 09:00

Web Site: http://www.w7sky.org/

Snohomish County Hams Club

Net: Sundays, 19:00 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: WA7LAW VHF Repeater, 147.18+, PL 103.5

Meetings: Fourth Saturday of each month at 08:00

Web Site: http://www.wa7law.org/

Stanwood-Camano Amateur Radio Club

Net: Monday, 19:00 Pacific Local Time

Frequency: W7PIG Camano Island Repeater, 147.360+, PL 127.3

Meetings: Third Thursday of each month at 19:00

Web Site: http://www.scarc.org/

Washington State ARES / RACES

Net: WA State Emergency Net, Mondays at 17:30 hrs and Saturdays at 0900

Frequency: 3.985 MHz primary, 7.245 MHz and 5.3715 MHz secondary


Meeting Location:

Contact Person: State RACES Officer: Monte Simpson

Assistant State RACES Officers: Gordon Grove, WA7LNC

Web Site: http://www.waraces.us
